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Drive7 Agency is a Graphic and Web Design Agency in Orange County, California

Graphic Design

Presentation and perception can make or break any business. Consumers form initial opinions in a matter of seconds. Aesthetically pleasing, professionally designed graphics will move viewers to form positive opinions about your product, service or brand. I create designs that make a positive first impression on those looking on.

Website Design

We are in an entirely new age of business. Companies that accept long held marketing strategies will not survive the future. While this truth sounds scary to some, I find it very exciting! It is a terrific time to start, or reinvent, your business.

There is an overabundance of look-alike websites, and copycat marketing that has cluttered the product landscape. I recognize and understand the need for companies to separate themselves from the clutter. I am a web expert who has all the tools at my disposal and will use them to your advantage.

The pace of business has escalated and is only gaining speed. To stay stagnate is to fall behind.

Marketing Strategy

A strategy will save you time by identifying which tools, platforms, and types of deliverables to focus on, and will garner the most market share. I will work with you to give you a strategy with clear focus and communication. 

I put aside all assumptions at the start of each project to truly understand your product and needs, and dive into the nitty gritty details of your company. Once I understand your strengths and weaknesses, I develop a marketing and design strategy for success through creative thinking and planning. You will lead with a well visioned strategy, which will result in a successful campaign – and one that your customers will dig!


You understand the importance of advertising, and so do I. I bring an external perspective to your brand, and will see your business as your customers do. I build up the strengths of that image and create an advertising campaign that will resonate with your current consumers and future customers.

I maximize your budget and help you grow your businesses by developing story-lines and assets that engage and inspire audiences.

Social Networking

Social media is a unique platform that, when approached strategically, helps businesses quickly strengthen their image in the hearts of their target audience.

I combine all social networking tools appropriately to maximize your marketing impact and elevate your brand. I will devise for you a social networking strategy that will raise brand awareness and build strong brand loyalty.

Photography and Video

Great design start with great photos! I take beautiful, original photos of yourself, your products and your establishment. Same goes for video. I offer professional photography and videography and take exceptional pride in quality.

I will incorporate your photographs and videos into your marketing campaigns. Your photos and videos will live on your website and social media pages, bringing you the right kind of attention.


The average shopper will only give your product two seconds of attention before their gaze is seduced by your competitor. In that short amount of time, its critical to deliver your product’s unique benefits and why-to-buy statement.

Beautiful and intelligent packaging makes people not only want to have your product but also to believe that your product is the best around. I will create for you a memorable presentation, influencing positive perception, keeping customers returning again and again.
